E16-C - Embankment & Ground Cover + Clover

Added clover to steep embankments

  • Our E16 mixture with the added benefit of small leaf white clover
  • Designed to give rapid, yet long lasting ground cover on steep embankments and areas of unstable or loose soil
  • Utilises deep-rooted and creeping species to stabilise and bind soil
  • White clover to provides a supply of nutrients for the neighbouring grass plants



Our E16-C mixture is enhanced with small leaved white clover to provide a supply of nutrients for the neighbouring grass plants. The mixture will give rapid germination due to the inclusion of annual ryegrass which will act as a ‘nurse crop’, giving protection to the other species whilst they establish. The mixture includes a combination of deep-rooted, creeping, drought tolerant and hardwearing species to create an incredibly hardy mixture.


  • White clover fixes nitrogen, making this the best choice for very thin, imporverished soils
  • Creeping and deep-rooted grass species to stabilise soil
  • Rapid germination from 'nurse crop' annual ryegrass
  • Very tolerant of harsh conditions
  • Available without white clover - see E16 Embankment and Ground Cover



  • Steep banks
  • Thin impoverished soil
  • Areas of loose and unstable soil
  • Road verges


* A higher sowing rate is recommended when sowing on steep banks.


Perennial Ryegrass Dwarf
Strong Creeping Red Fescue
Tall Fescue
Slender Creeping Red Fescue
Hard Fescue
Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass
Browntop Bent
White Clover Small Leaved
Sowing rate
25 - 50g/m² *
Height of cut
Down to 50mm
Pack size
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Why compromise on the grass seed you use every day?

Premium quality, pocket-friendly price.


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Why compromise on the grass seed you use every day?

Premium quality, pocket-friendly price.


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